Hats from America!
Knitted goodies are still coming in for the Cancer Charities Craft Fair - this time it was hats from the US from Katy who blogs here! Thanks again, Katy!

They're made from lovely squidgy yarn and will be so cosy for the lucky people who will buy them!
Tomorrow is the Maidstone Knitters' meeting and I've been given a whole load of flyers advertising the Craft Fair to hand out in the pub where we meet!

I have lists of stuff I need to do towards the Craft Fair leading up to the big day which includes, leaflet dropping and cake baking. On Friday, I'll be going to the Tithe Barn to help set everything up like stringing fairy lights, pumping up balloons, setting out the trestles and so on. Then, it's just a case of getting everything into the car on Saturday morning, displaying it to its best advantage and hoping it all sells. Chris is getting on with the display stand in the evenings and at weekends and we're going to pick up a cheval mirror which we're borrowing from MIL for the day. That's so that people can preen themselves in the hats, scarves, etc, before deciding whether to buy or not.
Knitz & Glitz is chugging along really well. I've already 'grown out' of my current website and have someone looking at building me a proper 'grown up' site that will actually allow me to have graphics and so on. There are lots of new things in the pipeline and I'm planning on selling other crafters/artists items, too. Watch out for the special knitters' greeting cards/notelets that should be appearing soon from a talented young artist who has agreed to design them.
So, that's me for now. Catch you all, later!
At 6:52 pm,
Craftydramaqueen said…
Looks like the Fayre is going to be fab. If it wasn't so far away, there would be a car full of us coming along! I received my Knitz n Glitz parcel this morning. The scissors fob is exquisite. I'm sending it to my Secret Pal in America, that's is if I can part with it! Keep up the good work :)
At 10:09 am,
T said…
Those hats look lovely and soft. The flyers are great ... it's going to be so good! :D
At 1:21 pm,
acrylik said…
CDQ is right - the County Durham posse would have all come along if we could :) The flyers look great.
Such generosity from everybody - it's really heartening!
At 1:30 pm,
Piglottie said…
Sounds like a busy time! The hats look wonderful, and good luck with the Craft Fayre!
PS: Stuff in the post today as promised :-)
At 2:10 pm,
dreamcatcher said…
And more hats, aren't they lovely! As it happens, the Fates have intervened and I will be in the South East on Saturday - but sadly won't be able to make it over to Lenham. Wish I could but I just won't have time to make the trip out from Central London and get back to where I'm staying! The flyers look great though, it should make for a busy and successful fair :-)
At 10:07 pm,
kt said…
You're so welcome!
Hope they bring some bright pennies for the cause.
Happy weekend!
At 1:14 pm,
Rain said…
The flyers look fantastic, I hope they draw the crowds. I wish you every success for the fair, so much hard work has gone into it and it;s for such a good cause.
At 9:28 pm,
Lizzy said…
Good luck with the Fayre. I wish I could be there - so many beautiful handmade goodies.
At 12:20 pm,
Anonymous said…
Thank you SO much for the comment on my blog, and was definitely worth the £2 !!! - I really hope your fayre goes well. I'll be thinking of you!
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